LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein
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Welcome to the homepage of the LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein.

LIFE started as an initiative with a focus on market based climate protection measures. In 2009, the initiative was converted into a non-profit foundation according to Liechtenstein law under the name LIFE Climate Foundation. The Foundation promotes a sustainable and credible advancement of climate and environmental protection through an effective inclusion of financial intermediaries and the general public.
LIFE Event, June 25th, 2019 in Bonn Germany: Digitalisation and Blockchain – Moving into Implementation for Climate Action

At the occasion of the UN Climate Conference in Bonn, Liechtenstein and Gold Standard Foundation hosted a Climate Ledger Initiative event. In 2018 the CLI published the report Navigating Blockchain & Climate Action, noting the high potential of IT to accelerate Paris Agreement implementation. This event focused on taking blockchain from theory to application-- highlighting experience to date and use cases in adaptation, renewable energy, international accounting and GHG markets. Representatives of LIFE provided information on how the upcoming Liechtenstein Blockchain Act may support climate action and sustainable development. The CLI is multi-stakeholder platform jointly operated by LIFE, INFRAS AG and Gold Standard Foundation. All presentation held at the occasion of the event can be downloaded here.

LIFE Climate Foundation awards „Impact Award” at Sustainable Finance” Workshop

On Tuesday 14th May 2019 the University of Liechtenstein organizes the 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Finance. In that context the Institute for Finance invites research oriented academics at universities (PhD students, lecturers, professors etc.) as well as consulting firms, associations, market authorities etc. to contribute with papers on sustainable issues in banking & finance by 2nd April 2019. LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein will award the “Impact Award” (CHF 2,000) for the paper with the highest relevance for climate protection and sustainability.

Climate Ledger Initiative (CLI) publishes report “Navigating Blockchain for Climate Action”

At the occasion of the 24th UN Climate Conference in Katowice, Poland, CLI published a comprehensive report that navigates the opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology for climate action and the implementation of the Paris Agreement. More than 40 experts (from over 20 countries) contributed to the report. 

The CLI is a joint endeavour of LIFE Climate Foundation, Gold Standard Foundation, Cleantech21 and INFRAS. The CLI is supported the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Government of Liechtenstein and EIT Climate-KIC.


International Conference in Vaduz: Accepting responsibility and investing sustainably

Together with associations of foreign bank from Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, the UK and the Netherlands, the Liechtenstein Bankers Assoociation will host the 5th International Conference of the Associations of Foreign Banks in Vaduz on 30 November 2018. This year’s event is dedicated to the motto: Accepting responsibility and investing sustainably: the role of banks for allocating capital and how banks drive change actively for future generations. The event is supported by LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein. 

Climate Ledger Initiative - IT and Climate Action
The "Climate Ledger Initiative" (CLI) ist a joint collaborative initiative by INFRAS, the Gold Standard Foundation, Cleantech21  and LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein. The goal of CLI is the evaluation and realization of state of the art IT potential, such as distributed technologies/blockchain for increasing climate action under the Paris Agreement and supporting the Unitied Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In the current edition of its newsletter, the CLI team informs about the upcoming CLI Report "Navigating Blockchain for Climate Action" and the preparations of the blockchain hackathon (Hack4Climate) organised by Cleantech21 in December 2018 at the occasion of the 24th UN Climate Conference in Poland (Summary Hack4Climate2017).

LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein 2017 - increasing climate protection by means of digitalisation and cooperation
Today, LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein (LIFE) published its Annual Report for the year 2017. In the reporting year, LIFE launched together with partner organisations two comprehensive environmental projects. The first project is the "Climate Ledger Initiative", an international multi-stakeholder initiative that exploits the potential of blockchain technology in the context of international climate action. Secondly, LIFE contributed significantly to the launch of the Liechtenstein "Waterfootprint" at the occasion of the World Water Day 2017, making Liechtenstein the first country with a nationwide Waterfootprint.

The Blockchain Technology and the Paris Agreemment - Potential and Challenges

The UNFCCC negotiations aim to conclude the so-called Paris Rulebook by the end of this year in order to enable the implementation of the Paris Agreement from 2020 onwards. On May 9th 2018 LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein together with the Climate Ledger Initiative are organising an event where international experts will discuss the potential of Blockchain Technology for Paris Agreement implementation.

Digitalization of data and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) may become core drivers for sustainable development of the global economy. The Climate Ledger Initiative (CLI) and #Hack4Climate are exploring
the potential of DLT in the context of digitization by means of research on innovation on how they may support sustainable development on a global scale. In an article published in the current issue of the Liechtenstein "Bankenmagazin" Sven Braden (LIFE Cllimate Foundation and CLI) and Nick Beglinger (Cleantech21 and Hack4CLimate) provide an overview of their recent research and innovation activities at the intersection of blockchain and climate. 


Drink Tap Water, Donate Drinking Water

Drink Tap Water, Donate Drinking Water
The LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein, the "DRINK & DONATE" association and Liechtenstein Office for Foreign Affairs  held the "Drink tap water, donate drinking water" event for the second time on World Water Day 2018 In the Art Museum Vaduz.


LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein: Important Groundwork Laid Again in 2016

LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein: Important Groundwork Laid Again in 2016

LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein published its eighth annual report today and is looking forward to a future that is challenging but also rich in opportunities.

Annual Report
Media Release

Successful initiatives from Liechtenstein - together with clean energy on the “serious side of life”
At the initiative of LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein and within the scope of international humanitarian cooperation and development, four members of the Association of Liechtenstein Charitable Foundations e.V. (i. e. LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein, Lotex Stiftung, MariaMarina Foundation and Thoolen Foundation) and the State of Liechtenstein have jointly supported an educational institution in Peru with renewable energy.
Further information can be found in our media release.

from left: Johannes Schweifer (Coreledger AG), Klaus Stark (Ganten Group AG), Jonas Schnelli (Bitcoin Core Developer), Philipp Buechel (Blockchain Buero), Sven Braden (LIFE Climate Foundation)
from left: Johannes Schweifer (Coreledger AG), Klaus Stark (Ganten Group AG), Jonas Schnelli (Bitcoin Core Developer), Philipp Buechel (Blockchain Buero), Sven Braden (LIFE Climate Foundation)

At the occasion of the 6th Blockchain Meet-Up at the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein in Vaduz End of June 2017, Sven Braden, Deputy Director of LIFE Climate Foundation introduced the Climate Ledger Initiative (CLI). The CLI aims at analysing and realizing the potential of the blockchain technology towards Paris Agreement implementation. The initiative is run by LIFE, Cleantech21, INFRAS and the Gold Standard Foundation and will be financed by public and private donors. In addition the CLI will promote a sound understanding of the blockchain technology within the climate community.


LIFE Climate Foundation supports Green Summit 2017 at the University of Liechtenstein

LIFE Climate Foundation supports Green Summit 2017 at the University of Liechtenstein
In the past, University of Liechtenstein, has successfully conducted conferences on sustainable urban design. In 2017, this platform will be expanded to a more global and interdisciplinary exchange between researchers and business leaders. On May 23rd the “Green Summit 2017 – Sustainability Forum Liechtenstein” will discuss socially relevant issues in striving for a sustainable mindset, see also

Incentive Program for Electric Vehicles – 100 E-Cars for Liechtenstein
In March 2016 LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein together with the Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke (LKW) launched an incentive program for electric vehicles. After one year, Sven Braden, Deputy Director of LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein draws a throughout positive resumee. Consequently, both partners LIFE and LKW have decided to prolong the program and increase the incentive goal up to 100 E-cars for Liechtenstein.   

#CarbonBC: 											        How could Blockchain technology contribute to Paris Agreement implementation…
#CarbonBC systematically examines the potential of Blockchain technology for climate change mitigation, adaptation, and finance - in line with UNFCCC, and in parallel to the Paris Agreement Rulebook process. LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein together with its Partners from Cleantech21, INFRAS and ETH Zurich will introduce the project on May 17th 2017 at the occasion of the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn Germany.

LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein at UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakesh: Climate Finance and Philanthropy
On November 18th 2016 the Government of Liechtenstein in cooperation with the University of Zurich hosted a Side Event at the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakesh. The topic of the event was “Synergizing International Climate Finance, Market Mechanisms and Philanthropy”. Sven Braden, Deputy Director of LIFE Climate Foundation referred about the good experiences of the collaboration of the Governmental Climate Finance Program with domestic non-profit foundations. Link to Presentation.   

Prof. Thomas Stocker, Adolf E. Real and Burkhard Varnholt
Prof. Thomas Stocker, Adolf E. Real and Burkhard Varnholt
More than 170 high level representatives of UN Member States have signed the Paris Agreement on Climate Change on April 22nd in New York. It was in that context that the LIFE Climate Foundation on May 10th organized a public event in Vaduz - together with international experts such as Prof. Thomas Stocker, one of the leading authors of the last IPPC Assessment Report on Climate Change and Dr. Burkard Varnholt from Bank Julius Baer. More than 100 participants followed the discussions around the latest scientific facts on climate change and the future role and responsibilities of the finance industry.

Liechtenstein signs Paris Agreement
Liechtenstein joins 174 countries by having signed the Paris Agreement on Friday 22nd of April 2016 at the UN Headquarters in New York. The Agreement was signed by Christian Wenaweser, ambassador to the UN in New York. The Agreement commits countries to limit global warming to well below 2C above pre-industrial levels, with an aspirational new goal of 1.5C. Governments also agreed to slash their use of fossil fuels to the extent that humans release ‘net zero’ emissions by the second half of the century.

Sven Braden (LIFE) and Armand Jehle (LKW) introducing the new incentive program
Sven Braden (LIFE) and Armand Jehle (LKW) introducing the new incentive program
LIFE Climate Foundation and Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke (LKW) have launched a joint incentive program, in order to promote the purchases and registration of electronic cars in Liechtenstein. The program supports the purchase of so called e-cars with up to CHF 3’000 per vehicle. The respective application form is available at

Referent Hans-Josef Fell, der FBP-Landtagsabgeordnete Wendelin Lampert, Jürg Senn von der Energiefachstelle, SolarSuperState-Präsident Preeben Maegard und Thomas Gloor von der Solargenossenschaft Liechtenstein
Referent Hans-Josef Fell, der FBP-Landtagsabgeordnete Wendelin Lampert, Jürg Senn von der Energiefachstelle, SolarSuperState-Präsident Preeben Maegard und Thomas Gloor von der Solargenossenschaft Liechtenstein
In 2014 photovoltaic installations in Liechtenstein generated around 481 Watt per capita  surpassing Germany, who has been leading the photovoltaic ranking until now. Italy is ranked on the third position. These are the result of this year’s SolarSuperState-Ranking. The ranking list provided by the the SolarSuperState association, a non-profit organisation based in Switzerland. Every year the association screens the solar- and wind-based electricity production performance of all 197 countries in the world.     

Liechtenstein decides on climate targets for 2030
The Liechtenstein Government has passed its climate goals for 2030. The decision on 2030 climate goals states a contribution to the currently ongoing UN negotiations for a new climate agreement which shall be concluded in Paris later this year. Liechtenstein aims at a reduction of greenhouse gases by 40 % compared to 1990 by 2030. The assumptions underlying Liechtenstein’s climate targets are based on the possibility to achieve emission reductions abroad which may be accounted towards Liechtenstein’s reduction target in 2030.

LIFE Climate Foundation awards Special Climate Price to finalis of this year's
LIFE Climate Foundation has awarded Simon Egger (Ruggell) and his team this year’s Special Climate Price within the so called “Ideenkanal” for their idea of free-velo-points in Liechtenstein. Until next year Simon wants to install at least 5 bicycle stands in 5 Liechtenstein communities which provide 5 rental bicycles for free. The price money of 2000 Swiss Francs is dedicated to financially support the realization of the free-velo-points idea throughout Liechtenstein.  

LIFE supports Liechtensteins Kids-University 2015
Since 2005 the University of Liechtenstein organizes the so called Kids-University. The Kids-University aims at providing complex issues of todays economy and society to children in a child-oriented way. During the “2015 semester” LIFE Climate Foundation will act as a core partner of the Kids-University. “This year’s program of the Liechtenstein Kids-University will therefore encompass various aspects of sustainability and environmental issues” said Liechtenstein’s Prime Minister and Chairman of the Foundation Board Adrian Hasler at a press briefing on January 30th 2015.

LIFE Climate Foundation at UN Climate Conference in Lima, Peru
At December 11th 2014 LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein together with the University of Freiburg (Germany) organised a Side Event during the UN Climate Conference in Lima, Peru. International experts discussed the role of climate finance within the 2015 global agreement on climate change. Marlies Amann-Marxer, Minister of the Environment of Liechtenstein delivered the keynote speech to this event.


LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein: Taking responsibility and setting the right course

LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein: Taking responsibility and setting the right course
The LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein published its fifth annual report today. 2013 was an especially important year.

LIFE Climate Foundation at 2nd Renewable Energy Finance Dialogue at the University of Liechtenstein
On thursday 23rd October several experts from Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland discussed various aspects of with regard to the opportunities and risks of the global energy transition. From the left: Prof. Dr. Marco J. Menichetti, Chair of Business Administration, Banking and Financial Management (University of Liechtenstein), Prof. Dr. Dirk Schiereck, Departement of Law and Economics (Technical University of Darmstadt), Dr. Thomas Zwiefelhofer, Deputy Prime Minister of Liechtenstein, Roland Stulz, Fachstelle 2000-Watt Gesellschaft Zurich and Sven Braden, Deputy Director LIFE Climate Foundation. The presentation of LIFE Climate Foundation on the "Energy Transition - The Global Context" is available here.

ITU Telecom World 2014 - Young Innovators Competition

ITU, the leading United Nations agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs), in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) is looking for innovative ideas on how ICTs can help smart cities to slow down or mitigate the effects of climate change and thereby improve people’s health. Are you an entrepreneur under the age of 30 and interested in winning up to USD 5 000 in funding, plus mentorship, networking, and high-level exposure before an influential global audience of decision-makers? Apply now until Tuesday, October 7 2014 at:  

LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein supported Green Summit 2014
More than 200 representatives from Liechtenstein's industrial, financial and public sector participated during the Green Summit 2014 at the University of Liechtenstein. Various sustainable products and services were introduced from around 20 small and medium sized enterprises from Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria and Germany.


Successful LIFE Workshop on 3D Printing

Successful LIFE Workshop on 3D Printing
On May 5th experts from industry and science discussed experiences and lessons-learnt within the area of 3D printing. The event which took place at the University of Liechtenstein showed the great potential as well as the respective limits of future industry productions provided by 3D printing.


Photo Competition - Jury decides on title cover for Liechtenstein's 6th UN Climate Report

Photo Competition - Jury decides on title cover for Liechtenstein's 6th UN Climate Report
In order to find an appropriate title cover for Liechtenstein's 6th UN Climate Report the Government and LIFE Climate Foundation organized a photo competition in November 2013. A jury comprised of representatives from the Government and LIFE Climate foundation has awarded 15 pictures out of over 130 pictures including the title cover picture of abovementioned report. The managing office of LIFE Climate Foundation herby wishes to thank all participants for their participation in our competition. The winners of the competition will receive their prices on Tuesday January 28th 2014, 18.00, at the Winterzelt (Kunstmuseum), Vaduz by Environmental Minister Marlies Amann-Marxer.

LIFE Climate Foundation
Austrasse 46
Postfach 254
FL-9490 Vaduz
Tel. +423 230 13 26
© Copyright by LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein 2020 – all rights reserved.